Are you of the right place?

Are you of the right place?

That question is good to ask yourself sometimes. Are you where you want to be in life, at work, in the relationship, with the health aspect, etc. Or are you stuck in some sort of track, maybe the famous rat race? Do you know what? We live in a free country and CAN...
Do you want to advance? Make a decision!

Do you want to advance? Make a decision!

In order to move forward, you have to make a decision. It doesn’t have to be big things, as long as it takes you forward in the right direction. Towards your goal! This week I have made 2 major decisions, that I know till take me forward. One is about my BUSINESS and...
Fire up!

Fire up!

Do you enjoy what you do? Make sure you have passion for what you do. Then it becomes both fun and profitable. You get better every day and you will not consider it as a job but something you really want to do. It becomes a lifestyle. Then the results will come! Why...