Do you enjoy what you do? Make sure you have passion for what you do. Then it becomes both fun and profitable. You get better every day and you will not consider it as a job but something you really want to do. It becomes a lifestyle. Then the results will come!

Why do you go to work? Is it for the salary, the colleagues, a habit or because it’s fun, because you want to? Unfortunately, various surveys show that about 75% of us go to work because we have to, not because we want to. We would be happy to do something else if we got the opportunity. Can you imagine, 3 out of 4 do not like their jobs and would love to do something else!!

I think it is incredibly important to enjoy what you do. And if you do not enjoy it, change! It is great to try different things, to develop your skills as well as your personality. It is quite ok to sometimes try “wrong” things. You have to try in order to know. But if it’s not right, then CHANGE it. Most of us have two legs and a free will. Change and find something that suits you, something that is right for YOU. As I said, if you enjoy what you are doing you often get good at it. This way it becomes even more fun and you develop even more skills and you get into a positive spiral. In addition, the better you become the more profitable your business becomes.

Regardless of which industry you are in, it is important to have passion and love what you do. Simply show some glow and fire up! People can tell, I promise you and it usually influences others. If you are working with people it is important to like people, like to meet different people with different drive and personalities. It is important to have passion for people and a wish to see others develop. One way to keep the glow up in the long term is to:

  1. Make sure you always produce a positive result.
  2. Help others always produce a positive result.
  3. Help others develop more positively.

Roll out the red carpet and Fire Up!